Swivt Technologies

Scrum Cheat Book


The Scrum framework emphasizes organizing work in iterations during which the Scrum team plans, executes, and reviews work. Each sprint delivers incremental value to meet the end goal.



  1. Product Owner: 
    1. Represents project sponsor/client
    2. Prioritizes Product Backlog Items (PBI)
    3. Responsible for product backlog
  2. Developers:
    1. Cross-functional team responsible for determining and delivering sprint goals
    2. Self-organizing team responsible for sprint backlog
  3. Scrum master: 
    1. Helps train the team on the scrum application
    2. Responsible for facilitating organizational scrum transition


  • Iterations in scrum are called Sprints. 
  • Usually lasts 1-4 weeks



Tasks estimations are done during sprint planning. They are usually done in hours, story points, or t-shirt sizes.



  1. Product Backlog: A prioritized list of work for the development team derived from the roadmap and its requirements. Responsible: Product Owner.
  2. Sprint backlog: list of tasks planned for current Sprint. Responsible: developers
  3. User Story: description of a feature written from the end user’s perspective. Usually written like “As a ….., I want to ….., so that I can……”
  4. Epic: A large story, usually broken down into smaller user stories to deliver in a sprint
  5. Story Point: A unit to measure the complexity of the task. Usually in the Fibonacci sequence
  6. Burndown Chart: Represents the number of tasks completed over time. 


Task Size

  • Tasks can be of various sizes but no task should take longer than the Sprint. 
  • A huge task should be broken down into smaller tasks 


Task Assignment

  • Developers self-assign the ask to themselves by pulling them from the Sprint backlog


Adding tasks in Sprint

  • No changes should be made to the sprint backlog that hampers the sprint goal



  1. Sprint: Timeboxed event, end of which scrum team provides product increment. Usually 1-4 weeks
  2. Sprint Planning: Event where the scrum team and Product owner discuss what will be achieved in the coming sprint. Usually 8 hours for 4 weeks sprint
  3. Daily Scrum: a 15-minute event where each development team member discusses the progress towards the sprint goal. Discussion topic: What was done? What to do? What are the blockers for the task?
  4. Sprint Review: Future-looking event where the development team, product owner, and stakeholders discuss the progress of the sprint and gather feedback. Usually 4 hours for 4 weeks sprint
  5. Sprint Retrospective: A looking back event, where the developers and Scum master talks about what went well during the sprint and what could have been better. The team comes to a conclusion to improve the process for the next sprint



A visual board is used to track task status. Usually has 4 sections

  • Product Backlog 
  • Sprint Backlog 
  • In progress 
  • Done

I am an Agile Project Manager and Scrum master with 4 years of hands-on experience in Project Management. I have expertise and dedication to strategic planning and detail-oriented product development.

[email protected]

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